Monday, November 19, 2012

Bonjour, MonsieurTurkey!

I love Thanksgiving!  I know it's not French, but a completely American holiday, but perhaps that's why I love it so much!  Plus, it's a wonderful time to be with your family and friends, enjoy delicious food and share everything you're grateful for...and that's a lot!

Today was an exciting day for those of us who live on the Upper Cape (Cod, that is).
It was Turkey sale day at the Watts Family Farm!
Each year on the first Monday before Thanksgiving, the Watts Family Farm puts their fresh turkeys on sale, starting at 8:00 a.m., but you have to get in line at 7:30 a.m. or you might end up with one of the very last turkeys.  Last year, I was just a little late, and they only had a 30 lb. turkey left.  
It just barely fit into our oven!
So, this morning, I made sure I was up and out early, but there was still quite a line.  
These are obviously very wonderful turkeys.  So fresh and delicious!  Here's a photo of the earlier in the year.
Pretty birds!  They're called Giant White Turkeys and they're raised free range on a special diet of grain and grasses.  Once they're six or seven weeks old, they spend their days outside grazing on grasses.  That is, until November, and they then become very shy!
Finally, the line moved and I got closer to the refrigerated truck where the turkeys are given out.  This smiling man is waiting for his turkey.  No one minds the wait, because it's an opportunity to chat with your neighbors.  Sometimes Cape Cod feels like a little French village to moi!
Finally, it was my turn to purchase my turkey.  I got a 12 lb. one.  Perfect for my petit famille!
Clearly, the Watts Family has a sense of humor!
And now I have a farm fresh turkey!
Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!


  1. Snap shot of the life I would love to live! Thank you for sharing!

  2. I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving, chere Jamie!
    Love your "joie de vivre" as always....
    On a side note...we had ordered some Thanksgiving goodies a la Francaise...from our favorite bistro...
    I thought of you! :))
    - Irina

  3. Bonjour, Stephanie--It's my pleasure to give you a little snap shot of my life. Still, please know that there are lots of ordinary moments mixed in. I send you big hugs and wishes for you to find your perfect home. xo Jamie


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