Monday, May 20, 2013

Chapman Deering Loves the Ooh La La!

Merci beaucoup to the very wise Chapman Deering 
for her blog post today on
Ooh La La! 
French Women's Secrets to Feeling Beautiful Every Day!


  1. Jamie, dear, I just wanted you to know that I am not getting updates on my blog roll...and no subscription notifications...I wonder if anyone else is having this issue...
    I have a lot of catching up top do!!!! :)
    And I have announced a give-away of your book on my blog! Am pre-ordering 2 copies this pour moi, bien sur!
    So excited for you!
    - Irina

    1. Bonjour, Iriina--I'm so sorry about the blog roll problem. I have no idea why this is happening. I will try to get it fixed! Merci beaucoup for letting me know about it. And thank you so much for hosting a give-away on your blog! You are so lovely! If you email your snail mail address to me, I will send you an autographed gift copy. Bisous, Jamie

    2. Jamie, that is is so very kind and generous of you! MERCI! I would love your autographed copy! That means I can give away TWO of the ones I get! (I keep the autographed...heee)
      Thank you!!!!
      I am on the e-mail list for your book alerts, so here is that e-mail:
      C'est tres gentille!
      And the blog roll issue...I just wonder if others are having this happen...I do try to check in, because I know you're probably posting, I just wanted you to be aware of it...
      Merci encore!
      - Irina


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