Sunday, April 17, 2016

French Women Love Beautiful Fabric

French Secret #6
French Women Appreciate Good Fabric.
French Women know that while they may pay more for clothes made from natural fabrics, such as wool and cotton and silk--they also know that their outfits will last longer.  Oh, and they'll drape beautifully.

Do you save up to buy clothes from good material?  What's your favorite?


  1. My trigger fabrics are lace, satin, chiffon, and silk. They create beautiful pieces of wearable art.

    1. Dear Lady Arabella--I love how you say "my trigger fabrics." It's so true--we all have certain fabrics that speak to our senses. You are clearly a wise woman! Merci beacoup for writing here! Jamie

  2. I adore French lingerie, silks, soft fabrics, polka dots....and linen dresses.
    I love the linen towels, aprons and one day I want to sleep in French Linen sheets!

    1. Dear Leslie--Ooooh, I love linen too, especially French linen! I wonder where we can find French linen sheets. Perhaps I'll find out for us this autumn when I'm back in France. In the meantime, sending you much love, mon amie! Jamie


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