Saturday, October 13, 2018

Pumpkin Season on La Belle Farm!

Bonjour from La Belle Farm!

It's autumn now, I'm back from Paris, and I thought you'd like to see the La Belle Farm  "drying room".  This is where Dr. Thompson keeps our pumpkins, squash and onions after the last harvest.  Drying them will make them last longer, weeks and even months beyond the harvest season.  Although, this is not quite the end of the harvest season.  We still have a few lovely greens, a bit of kale and definitely eggplants. 

However, the nights and even the days are growing cooler and it's been raining for the last few days here in Columbia Country,  and so, there's a definite sense of winter closing in.  We've already spent an evening by the fireplace and we are dreaming of Thanksgiving and pumpkin pies, and yes, fresh turkey. 

But, I am jumping ahead of myself.  For now--for this moment in time, I want to simply offer you my this photograph of our pumpkins.  I love how they stand so still, so proud, even though they are rather  small as pumpkins go.   (This is because small pumpkins make the best cooking pumpkins!)  This brings me to this idea--joie de vivre isn't about size or quantity, but it's about appreciating and caring for what's right in front of you.  It's about taking the time to notice and embrace the small pleasures of life.  I try to tell myself this everyday, but it's not always easy.  I'd love to hear your thoughts on the subject, dear friends, in the comments section below.  

And please do follow me on Instagram for more lovely photos from our life on La Belle Farm.

 Merci beaucoup!

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