Friday, January 29, 2021

The Mysterious Tipped Over Chair

 The other day, I looked out the window and there it was--the tipped over chair.

 This was a mystery!  Just the day before I took all the blue chairs and put them in a little circle.  This wasn't because we were expecting a company in the snow or some kind of Covid-free snow party where we would sit outdoors, socially distanced, sipping hot chocolate with miniature marshmallows floating on the top.


I just liked the way the chairs looked together in a circle.  It was pleasing to the eye and gave me the feeling of better days ahead and I imagined a time when we would have a little party and sit outside and sip something nice.  A glass of rosé, perhaps.

But then, I noticed that one of the chairs had tipped over.  Obviously someone had come to my imaginary party and they didn't like the way things were going.  They didn't like the hot chocolate with the miniature marshmallows floating on top and they found the suggestion that they should put on their face mask upsetting.  This person was actually having a bad hair day and up until that moment they hadn't told anyone at the snow party about their financial problems or that IRS investigation or how their significant other had left them for their next-door-neighbor with the truck or even about the discovery that they were actually adopted and not at all a part of this imaginary family!  

Hence, the tipped over chair. 

Your creative assignment is to look for tipped over chairs.  By that, I mean look for what's wrong.  Look for that rug that's rumpled.  Look for the dress with the stain.  Look for the smudge in the glass and the missing jar of apple sauce.  Look for the tipped over chair.  That's where the art begins.

And that's your creativity prompt for the week.

And if you need a prompt, how about:  the leaky faucet.  

Have fun!




  1. I really enjoyed this little exercise in imagination, Jamie. Bad hair, doesn't want to wear a mask. Very fun. I shall take you up on your suggestion to look for tipped over chairs and write a story of my own. Thanks for being a bright spot in this upside down world.

  2. Dear Cherie--Thank you so much for your comment! Yes, bad hair and not wanting to wear a mask. So specific and so full of creative possibilities. You're a bright spot in this upside down world! Enjoy being creative! Love, Jamie


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