Thursday, May 20, 2021

The Re-invention Tour

 You change every day.

Whether you realize it or not, you are in the middle of your own unique re-invention tour.  This is simply part of being human.  In fact, it's the story of every living thing.  Truly.

It's spring time on La Belle Farm, and I've noticed that even the flowers have staged a come-back tour.  Well, at least the perennials have returned.  My goodness, they're a riotous bunch, bursting with bright colors and showy ruffles.  They are certainly not shy?  

 In fact, you might call them downright immodest.

 I do think, as artists--as human beings--we could learn a lot from nature's annual show--the flowering version of the Folies Bergére.  This is a good time to ask yourself about unnecessary modesty.

After teaching creative writing for over thirty-five years, I've found that the most brilliant writers are the most sensitive, the most shy.  They're the ones who are unsure of their own brilliance while the not-so-amazing writers are shouting from the rooftops.  I'm not saying there's anything wrong with shouting from the rooftops.  I would just like to hear more from those of you are sensitive and shy and retiring.

The world needs to hear from you!  Please do not deny us the beauty and brilliance of your genius.  Your very sensitivity makes you worth hearing from.  And you know what?  When you are brave and flaunt your ruffled petals, you inspire others to do the same.  So, please, Buttercup, lift your face to the sun and let yourself shine.

Say bonjour to all the bumblebees and let them spread the news, and the pollen!

It's spring time.  Please be generous--with yourself and with others.  

And so, my creativity prompt for you this week is take the word "flaunt" and throw it about, shake it up, let it get up on stage and dance, and move about and find it's rightful place in the spotlight.

And above all, have fun!




  1. Thank you for reminding us to flaunt or stuff. For goodness sake, creatives are the soul of humanity! We need to come out more often!

    1. Dear Connie--I so agree with you! Than you for writing this comment and thank you for flaunting your gifts! Love, Jamie


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