Saturday, December 7, 2024

Honorary Irish Poet


This week we mark the anniversary of Papa Callan's death. In 2021, the year he turned 97--I moved in with him at his home in Connecticut and became his companion, caregiver, administrative assistant, cook, personal shopper, and chauffeur. Oh, and his poetic cohort.

Papa Callan and I had never engaged in a lot practical talk. We discussed his adventures in the Navy during World War II. We talked about the Old Country, Ireland and how the Druids worship the trees. He told me stories of the Wee Folk and how some great-great-uncle was arrested for sheep stealing in County Cavan.

But now, it was time to discuss practical end of life matters. I sat beside Papa Callan and told him about my concerns.

Papa Callan nodded and said, yes he understood--and then instructed me to go into his office, find the big notebook that balanced precariously on the top shelf of a rickety bookcase. "Bring that over here," he told me, using his executive businessman voice.

And so, I did--expecting I would find Papa Callan's legal instructions, final wishes, thoughts on funeral arrangements, a list of personal property and how it should be divided. Anyway, some kind of a roadmap to Papa Callan's end of life.

Papa Callan opened the big book and began by showing me all his diplomas, his Navy commendations. The scuba Diving certificates. Letters of appreciation from the Civil Defense, Texaco, Aramco, and the Naval Reserve. Oh, and a letter signed by Donald Rumsfeld thanking him for his service during the Cold War.

His service during the Cold War. Was Papa Callan a spy?


But, finally this--his honorary Irish poet certificate. Apparently, Papa Callan had written a limerick singing the praises of Irish Whisky and entered it in the Paddy Whisky contest.

And he won! Okay, not really, but he was awarded this certificate. And he saved it. In his special book.

It’s taken me until today to realize that this was seriously part of his end of life instructions. And so, I am sharing it with you now.

Creative Friends--your assignment for this week is to enter the contest, go on the audition, submit the story, send in the poem. Apply for that grant—because yes, this is the stuff of life.



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