Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Mercedes Benz Fashion Week in Malta

Yes, I'm here in beautiful Valletta, Malta for the entire month of May, thanks to a writing fellowship and artist exchange program from Virginia Center for the Creative Arts and the St. James Cavalier Centre for Creativity. 
J'adore Malta!  It's soooo beautiful!
Little did I know that this also happens to be Fashion Week in Malta.  Lucky me!

I met two famous fashion photographers in Republic Square.
This is Italian fashion and art photographer Federico Peltretti.  TrĂ©s cool, n'est pas?
And this is Steve Muliett.  He photographs models in his native Malta.  J'adore!
There's fabulous fashion photography exhibit here, and especially stunning in the evening.

And here's some exciting news--I got a media pass to go the shows!  Here's a photo from last night's Charles and Ron show.  They're all about classic Hollywood glamour.  The new collection features traditional Maltese symbols and patterns.  Very elegant and rich in history.
Oh, and I was so thrilled to meet a young 17-year-old model named Francesca Jarman.  She's lives right here in Valletta and is so sweet, so natural--just a school girl, really, but mark my words--Francesca is headed for SUPERMODEL status!  She's with Supernova Modeling Agency.  Here's a photo of Francesca from Vida Magazine:

And here's a photo I took of her last night outside the Charles & Ron fashion show.  She was so sweet! She introduced me to her Mum, and her family.  We had a great time chatting.  Francesca will go far, because she's sweet, smart, generous--oh, and did I mention, beautiful!!!
 C'est plaisir, Madamoiselle Francesca!
 More from Malta tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, Jamie...how exciting and FUN!!! Malta is gorgeous...a dear friend of mine went there on her honeymoon...she fell in love with it!
    And fashion week...I can imagine how amazing this would be...
    On to read more!


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