Tuesday, July 2, 2013

And the winners are.....

J'adore Ruby's Musings.

Merci beaucoup to Ruby for her wonderful review of Ooh La La!
and for running the "what makes you feel beautiful contest."
And guess what--we now have five lovely winners, who will
receive autographed copies of Ooh La La!
I will post the names of the lucky ladies soon, but in the meantime,
if you host a popular blog and would like to run a contest, please
say bonjour!  (and leave a comment, bien sur).


  1. Love the pic on the beach. I live in FL. close to the beach. It is one of my fav. places to go.

  2. Was so very happy to do do it! Thank you for gifting your wonderful book to these well deserving and beautiful women!

  3. Ruby--It's my pleasure! And Carlene--yes, the beach is so lovely. If you live near Palm Beach, please know I'll be speaking at the Society for the Four Arts on Jan. 21, 2014. Love to see you there! a bientot, Jamie


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