Wednesday, November 6, 2013

French Women Use the Good Silverware Every Day

French Secret #42
French Women don't wait for a special occasion to enjoy beautiful things, such as the vintage champagne flutes or the beautiful silverware they may have inherited from their grandmother.
French Women understand that life is short and that everyday is an opportunity to bring a little bit of pleasure and joie de vivre into our lives.
So, why "save it for a rainy day" or wait for that special day that might only come once a year?
Why not make every day a little bit special?  That's what French Women do!
Is there something delicious indulgence that you enjoy on a daily basis?
Does it bring you happiness?   I'd love to hear about it.
Photo from Simply Feminine.

1 comment:

  1. Agree totally... :) But it took me many years to come to this...
    I indulge in fragrance every is a part of me....
    And beautiful cloth napkins from April Cornell! :)


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