Saturday, August 24, 2024

The Magic Behind the Scenes


Do you ever feel like this lady in this picture--doing headstands for the audience, playing to the gallery? You're not alone. All artists feel like this at times. The truth is, most of us creative types are secret introverts.  


Most truly creative people are shy and we don't generally relish the public performance part. We tend to love the contemplative creating part. We love the mystery of making and bringing something brand new into this world. We like the magic part that happens behind the scenes.


The public doesn’t get to lift the curtain and look behind the scenes where the art is actually made. They will go to a reading or a show, an opening at a gallery or a concert-- and they'll think wow, if I want to be an artist--I need to be like that! 


I need to dress up in some wild outfit and make the scene. I need to drink too much champagne and get into a fist fight with the next-new-great-artist--especially if there's a photographer from Art Forum to capture the moment. And the writer, well, you know--for writers it's all about drinking and fist fights. 

But, all this is a myth! I bet you that even Taylor Swift is looking forward to curling up in bed once this Eras Tour is over. It's been a cruel summer and she's probably exhausted. She feels like a tortured poet and just wants to go to sleep and get back to the important work of dreaming.


Creative Friends--take care of your inner-artist. When she needs to rest, let her rest. When she's dreaming, let her dream. Give her plenty of time and space to try experiment, fail, fail, fail and then try again. And when she's ready, and well-rested and the art-making part can come to a pause (because it never really stops) you can dress her up, take her out and let her entertain the masses. But know this: at the end of the night, make sure she gets home in one piece, so she can live to create another day. 


Your assignment for this week is to resist the temptation to share every little creative thing you do with the rest of the world. Forget about the public. The public is fickle. Your job to focus on your work. Your work is your true love. And if you remain loyal to your work, your work will remain loyal to you.




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